Here are some comments and questions from our public meeting on June 11th, 2017

If you have comments or questions regarding Dragonfly Commons, please email us


Positive project that will help create security for housing.

Concerns about road use, will the road be widened, what will be the impact on neighbours?

Will the project be responsible for upgrading the whole of Drake Road?

Are cost estimates realistic?

Will there be impacts on water hydrology down slope from project?  Will there be a second opinion, from another hydrologist?

How will water conservation be encouraged?  Will grey water be used?

What eco-option are being built-in for the future?  Will the design allow for upgrades in the future?

Will there be exclusions based on age?

Will sublets be allowed?  i.e. 1-3 months

How close will the units be?

There are simple, low tech, low cost methods to deal with grey water.

Does self-employment count for working qualification?

What about seniors on pensions?

Will additions small (patio) or big (extra room/loft) be permitted?

Pet restrictions? numbers? size?

Are interiors customizable (hardwood) ?

Mandatory bark collars – I’m a dog owner; responsible

Will it widen the gap between rich & poor?  Should we be aiming for integration not segregation?

Effect of potential pedestrian traffic on Mouat Park?

Loop road around Ganges capturing Drake traffic?