Dragonfly Commons is now a Not-For-Profit Society

In September, we registered ourselves as a not-for-profit society called Dragonfly Commons Housing Society.  This was another essential step along the way and was a requirement from BC Housing.  In November, the Society was able to apply and receive a CMHC Seed Funding Loan at zero-interest to carry on with the pre-development costs.  We are proud that so far we have only spent $30,000 in pre-development (site planning, home designs, Riparian Area reports, surveying, drainage plan, etc).  This has all been covered by the CMHC Seed Funding Grant.  Much of the work going on behind the scenes is done by Fernando and Tami and the steering committee, as volunteers, instead of paying consultants.  This in an effort to keep the bottom line (i.e. the home prices) as low as possible.