Fernando to speak at the next Community Alliance meeting

March 26th (7 to 9 pm) Lions Hall
Doors @ 6:30 pm 

Over the past few months, both Fernando and Tami have attended a number of the Salt Spring Island Community Alliance meetings in order to represent Dragonfly Commons and to speak about affordable housing in general.

Next Monday, March 26th, the Alliance meeting will spotlight “Drake Road Affordable Housing”.
Excerpt from their website:

Kisae Petersen and Fernando dos Santos will join the Alliance, for our March meeting to contribute their knowledge to our conversation about Drake Road affordable housing.
Kisae Petersen, Salt Spring Island Housing Council Chair, Director of Housing for Island Women Against violence (who are working hard to develop new affordable housing at Croftonbrook.)
Fernando and Tami Dos Santos, are spearheading a local not-for-profit initiative – Dragonfly Commons – to bring about an innovative solution to our local workforce housing crisis on Drake Road.
As well as others who will specifically address the local issues regarding affordable housing.

We are encouraged by the support for affordable housing from this group.  Consider attending this meeting to show your interest in housing.

For more information about the Community Alliance, check out their website:  http://sscommunityalliance.org/

or find them on Facebook.